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Locuri de Muncă - Oferte - Stomatologie - Ilfov

297 anunțuri.

Colaborare Pedodont Buftea

Cabinet stomatologic de copii din Buftea doreste colaborare 1-2 zile pe saptamana cu medic pedodont cu experienta minim un an de lucru cu copiii. Procent 45% din incasari. Obligatoriu experienta, placerea de a lucra cu copiii, calm, rabdare si empatie.

colaborare medic stomatolog

Cabinet stomatologic ASCENDENT din MORENI jud DB,situat la 100 km de Bucuresti,este in cautare de coleg sau colega medic stomatolog,cu minim 3 ani experienta pentru colaborare .Cabinetul este complet echipat inclusiv cu microscop si endomotor,articulator,arc facial,etc.
Asteptam CV-urile dvs la adresa si tel :0732799084

Dentists wanted to work in Ireland

General Dentists wanted to work in the Republic of Ireland

We are looking for Dentists to work in Private Dental Practices in the Republic of Ireland: Carlow, Limerick, Galway

We need:
Degree in Dentistry issued by an EU School of Dentistry.
EU nationals
Fluent English. (C1 level)
At least one year experience in the field of general dentistry.
Extra experience / training in endodontics, cosmetic dentistry and odontopaediatrics is welcomed, but not mandatory.

We offer:
Full time employment. Two years contract negotiable and prorrogable.
Annual Gross income between € 80.000 and € 120.000 depending on previous experience and turn over.
37,5 to 42,5 hours per week. Four weeks holidays.
Support staff
Support to obtain the registration in Ireland.
Relocation support.

Please email your CV to:

Mentiuni: In order to register as a dentist in Ireland is need it to pass the IELTS Academic / OET Dentistry English language tests

Dentists wanted to work in Germany

Dentists wanted to work in Germany

We are currently looking for Dentists to work in private clinics in Germany in North Rhine-Westphalia: Cologne (Köln), Dusseldorf, Duisburg, Oberhausen and Bonn. There are vacancies in the following fields of expertise:
General Dentistry
Oral surgery (Dental Implants, prosthodontics)
We need:
Degree in Dentistry by an EU University.
At least basic German (A2).
At least one year experience in the relevant field.
Masters / Postgraduate courses for the relevant fields (orhtodontics, oral surgery)
We offer:
Junior dentists: Fixed monthly salary: €3.500 + 20% of the turn over.
Senior dentists: Fixed monthly salary: €5.000 to €6.000 + 25% of the turn over.
Work-life balance: Thanks to our flexible shift system, you regularly have half a day off (7:30 a.m. - 15:30 p.m. & 12:30 p.m. - 20:30 p.m. alternating weekly) and no weekend shifts despite full-time employment
Relocation package. € 3.000 to cover expenses to move to Germany, payable with the first month of salary.
Assistance to improve German language skills and to obtain the Deustche approbation.
Please contact:

Mentiuni: Initially you will be employed as an Assistant Doktor (Junior Dentist) until the Approbation process is completed.

Chirurgie BMF

Doresc colaborare pentru partea de chirurgie orală(odontectomii, implanturi, aditii osoase, sinus-lift si multe alte manopere chirurgicale).
Colaborari valabile doar Bucuresti, Pitești, Prahova, Ilfov, Giurgiu, Dâmbovița.
Pentru mai multe informații, cv, portofoliu pe adresa de mail.
Va mulțumesc!

Mentiuni: Chirurgie BMF

Medici stomatologi Franta

Centru stomatologic situat in Pantin (Paris) angajeaza 2 MEDICI STOMATOLOGI.
- centru detine 6 scaune, asistenti dentari, radiologie panoramica
- situat la 3 min de metrou si 10 min de RER
- cartierul este dinamic
- se ofera sprijin pentru persoanele noi
- contract de munca francez, perioada nedeterminata, salariu fix+procent
- se accepta si absolventi.
Informatii suplimentare se pot obtine la 0742652902, iar CV-urile se transmit pe adresa

Medic specialist chirurgie dento-alveolară

Medic specialist cu experiență caut colaborare în vederea realizării tratamentelor de inserare implanturi, adiții osoase, chirurgie.

Medic incepator, caut experienta

Medic rezident anul 1 Endodontie Bucuresti, caut cabinet pentru a-mi forma experienta. Dispus sa fac naveta.

Dentists wanted to work in Germany

Dentists wanted to work in private dental clinics in Germany
We are currently looking for Dentists to work in private clinics in Germany in North Rhine-Westphalia: Cologne (Köln), Dusseldorf, Duisburg, Oberhausen and Bonn. There are vacancies in the following fields of expertise:
General Dentistry
Oral surgery (Dental Implants, prosthodontics)
We need:
Degree in Dentistry by an EU University.
At least basic German (A2).
Experience in the relevant field would be welcomed
Masters / Postgraduate courses for the relevant fields (orhtodontics, oral surgery)
We offer:
Junior dentists: Fixed monthly salary: €3.500 + 20% of the turn over.
Senior dentists: Fixed monthly salary: €5.000 to €6.000 + 25% of the turn over.
Work-life balance: Thanks to our flexible shift system, you regularly have half a day off (7:30 a.m. - 15:30 p.m. & 12:30 p.m. - 20:30 p.m. alternating weekly) and no weekend shifts despite full-time employment
Relocation package. € 3.000 to cover expenses to move to Germany, payable with the first month of salary.
Assistance to improve German language skills and to obtain the Deustche approbation.
Please contact:

Mentiuni: Please note that it is possible to work as an Assistant Doktor in Germany while the approbation is being issued.

Colaborare medic

Cautam medic stomatolog generalist cu pacientura proprie pentru colaborare / preluare tura .
Program flexibil.
Este necesara o forma juridica (SrL/PFI) / certificat vizat / malpraxis si cod de parafa.
Medicul va fi singur pe tura. Experienta obligatorie.
Mai multe detalii

Medic ortodont

Dorim colaborare cu medic ortodont cu drept de libera practica Si experienta.

Dental Office Manager

DENTI SERVICE Bacău angajează Dental Office Manager cu experiență minim 3 ani în domeniu medical, studii superioare finalizate și cursuri management.
1. Supervizare și suport Front Desk
2. Management resurse umane
3. Monitorizarea activității administrative în clinica dentară;
4. Eficientizarea agendei, managementul pacienților
5. Implementarea și actualizarea protocoalelor de lucru;

Vă rog CV la adresa:

Angajăm asistentă stomatologie experiență MINIM 1an, L-V PROGRAM 8 ore/ture

Clinica Denti Service Bacău angajează asistentă medicală cu experiență minimă de 1 an în stomatologie. Program 8 ore în ture, Luni-Vineri. Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung! Salariu 3500-4200 lei în funcție de experiență. Pachet salarial atractiv + bonusuri și beneficii în funcție de performanțele profesionale. Detaliile vor fi stabilite în urma unui interviu . Trimiteti cv la adresa

Mentiuni: Va rugam atasati CV la email: Nr contact: 0756993623

Colaborare Italia

Cabinet stomatologic Lombardia – Italia, căutam doctor stomatolog proaspăt absolvent chiar şi fără cunoaşterea limbii italiene pentru o colaborare de lungă durată, full - time

Mentiuni: Daca sunteti interesat va rugam sa trimiteti CV-ul la adresa noastra de e-Mail

Medic Stomatolog

Clinica stomatologica cu flux de pacienți cauta medic Stomatolog pentru colaborare part-time sau full time.
Experienta minima 1 an.
Locatia noastra este centrala, in Ramnicu Sarat, Judetul Buzau.

Mentiuni: A?teptam CV pe email

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