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Locuri de Muncă - Oferte - Stomatologie - Iași

303 anunțuri.

Asistenta Medicala

Suntem în căutarea unei asistente stomatologice dedicate și profesioniste pentru a se alătura echipei noastre dinamice.

- Asistarea medicului stomatolog în timpul intervențiilor;
- Pregătirea materialelor și instrumentarului necesar;
- Menținerea curățeniei și igienei în cabinet;

- Experiență este un plus, dar nu obligatorie;
- Abilități de comunicare și organizare;
- Spirit de echipă și atenție la detalii.

- Mediu de lucru plăcut și modern;
- Program de lucru flexibil;
- Salariu atractiv și bonusuri de performanță;

Trimiteți CV-ul la sau contactați-ne la +40752573399 pentru a stabili un interviu.

Căutăm medic ortodont

Cabinet situat în Buzău, caută medic ortodont.
CV - /
Sau pe wapp : 0724984486

Medic Stomatolog

Clinica stomatologica cu flux de pacienți cauta medic Stomatolog pentru colaborare part-time sau full time.
Experienta minima 1 an.

Locatia noastra este centrala, in Ramnicu Sarat, Judetul Buzau.

Mentiuni: Asteptam CV pe email

Medic stomatolog

Clinica stomatologică Onix Dent caută colaborare cu medic stomatolog generalist!
Cabinetul se află în Moreni, jud. Dâmbovița, la 1h30’ distanță față de București.

Mentiuni: -sa realizeze manopere de profilaxie, odontoterapie, endodon?ie ?i protetica
-sa de?ina SRL
- program: 1-2zile/ saptamâna


Clinica Stomatologică Dr. Octavian Honciu este în căutare de un medic stomatolog. Clinica se află în Buzău.
Dacă ești interesat/ă de anunțul nostru nu ezita să ne contactezi.
CV-urile se pot trimite pe adresele de e-mail : sau .
Telefon : 0757171767


Cautam medic stomatolog generalist cu pacientura proprie pentru colaborare / preluare tura .
Program flexibil.
Este necesara o forma juridica (SrL/PFI) / certificat vizat / malpraxis si cod de parafa.
Medicul va fi singur pe tura. Experienta obligatorie.
Mai multe detalii

Asistent medical - cabinet stomatologic

🌟 Asistent Medical - cabinet stomatologic - Iasi 🌟
🏥 Alatura-te echipei clientului nostru si fii parte dintr-un mediu in care poti creste si te poti dezvolta in cariera ta de asistent medical!
👩‍⚕️ Daca esti un profesionist in medicina, orientat spre pacient si cu abilitati excelente de comunicare, te invitam sa aplici pentru acest rol.
🔊 Daca esti o persoana entuziasta, dornica sa isi construiasca o cariera in domeniul medical, asteptam sa ne trimiti CV-ul tau la adresa de e-mail:

Colaborare medic stomatolog

Clinica stomatologica cu vad și pacienti fidelizati doresc colaborare medic stomatolog cu experienta la scaun minim 5 ani. Clinica stomatologica este situată stradal in zona Piata Sudului, sector 4, Bucuresti.

Mentiuni: Medicul sa detina CMI, SRL, etc

Dentists wanted to work in Ireland

General Dentists wanted to work in the Republic of Ireland

We are looking for Dentists to work in Private Dental Practices in the Republic of Ireland: Carlow, Limerick, Galway

We need:
Degree in Dentistry issued by an EU School of Dentistry.
EU nationals
Fluent English. (C1 level)
At least one year experience in the field of general dentistry.
Extra experience / training in endodontics, cosmetic dentistry and odontopaediatrics is welcomed, but not mandatory.

We offer:
Full time employment. Two years contract negotiable and prorrogable.
Annual Gross income between € 80.000 and € 120.000 depending on previous experience and turn over.
37,5 to 42,5 hours per week. Four weeks holidays.
Support staff
Support to obtain the registration in Ireland.
Relocation support.

Please email your CV to:

Mentiuni: To register as a dentist in Ireland it is a legal requirement to pass the IELTS ACADEMIC / OET DENTISTRY English language test

Dentists wanted to work in Germany

Dentists wanted to work in Germany
We are currently looking for Dentists to work in private clinics in Germany in North Rhine-Westphalia: Cologne (Köln), Dusseldorf, Duisburg, Oberhausen and Bonn. There are vacancies in the following fields of expertise:
General Dentistry
Oral surgery (Dental Implants, prosthodontics)
We need:
Degree in Dentistry by an EU University.
At least basic German (B1).
At least one year experience in the relevant field.
Masters / Postgraduate courses for the relevant fields (orhtodontics, oral surgery)
We offer:
Junior dentists: Fixed monthly salary: €3.500 + 20% of the turn over.
Senior dentists: Fixed monthly salary: €5.000 to €6.000 + 25% of the turn over.
Work-life balance: Thanks to our flexible shift system, you regularly have half a day off (7:30 a.m. - 15:30 p.m. & 12:30 p.m. - 20:30 p.m. alternating weekly) and no weekend shifts despite full-time employment
Relocation package. € 3.000 to cover expenses to move to Germany, payable with the first month of salary.
Assistance to improve German language skills and to obtain the Deustche approbation.
Please contact:

Mentiuni: Is possible to start work as an Assistant Doktor straight away, but to progress to the position of senior Doktor Deustche Approbation is need it

Colaborare Franta

Buna ziua!
Caut medic stomatolog cu experienta (minim 1 an) pentru o colaborare in Franta, regiunea Moselle (aproape de granita cu Germania).
Cabinet existent de peste 25 de ani (renovat recent) cu 2 sali de tratament, radiologie, microscop, sala sterilizare, 2 asistente. Agenda plina si pacienti in asteptare !!!
Cunoasterea limbii franceze este obligatorie ! (Va fi nevoie de un test de limba pentru inscrierea in colegiul medicilor)
Mai multe detalii - email

Clinica din Iasi angajeaza asistent medical pentru FRONT DESK OFFICE

Clinica Dental Plus& Dental Implant Center angajeaza asistent medical FRONT DESK OFFICE.
- Capacitatea de a lucra in echipa;
-Cunostinte operare PC;
-Studii de asistent medical;
-Cunoasterea unei limbi straine;
-Capacitatea de a gestiona sarcini multiple simultan;
-Program de lucru full-time( 08:00-16:00).
CV-urile insotite de o fotografie personala se vor trimite la adresa de mail

Colaborare medic stomatolog

Clinica stomatologica cu vad și pacienti fidelizati doresc colaborare medic stomatolog cu experiența la scaun minim 5 ani. Clinica stomatologica este situată stradal in zona Piața Sudului , sector 4 , Bucuresti.

Mentiuni: Medicul sa detina CMi,SRL etc

Dentists wanted to work in Germany

Dentists wanted to work in Germany
We are currently looking for Dentists to work in private clinics in Germany in North Rhine-Westphalia: Cologne (Köln), Dusseldorf, Duisburg, Oberhausen and Bonn. There are vacancies in the following fields of expertise:
General Dentistry
Oral surgery (Dental Implants, prosthodontics)
We need:
Degree in Dentistry by an EU University.
At least basic German (A2).
At least one year experience in the relevant field.
Masters / Postgraduate courses for the relevant fields (orhtodontics, oral surgery)
We offer:
Junior dentists: Fixed monthly salary: €3.500 + 20% of the turn over.
Senior dentists: Fixed monthly salary: €5.000 to €6.000 + 25% of the turn over.
Work-life balance: Thanks to our flexible shift system, you regularly have half a day off (7:30 a.m. - 15:30 p.m. & 12:30 p.m. - 20:30 p.m. alternating weekly) and no weekend shifts despite full-time employment
Relocation package. € 3.000 to cover expenses to move to Germany, payable with the first month of salary.
Assistance to improve German language skills and to obtain the Deustche approbation.
Please contact:

Mentiuni: Please note that it is possible to start work without the Approbation (registration) as an Assistant Doktor, but to process to Doktor the Approbation is need it, and that might take up to six months

Dentists wanted to work in Ireland

General Dentists wanted to work in the Republic of Ireland

We are looking for Dentists to work in Private Dental Practices in the Republic of Ireland: Carlow, Limerick, Galway

We need:
Degree in Dentistry issued by an EU School of Dentistry.
EU nationals
Fluent English. (C1 level)
At least one year experience in the field of general dentistry.
Extra experience / training in endodontics, cosmetic dentistry and odontopaediatrics is welcomed, but not mandatory.

We offer:
Full time employment. Two years contract negotiable and prorrogable.
Annual Gross income between € 80.000 and € 120.000 depending on previous experience and turn over.
37,5 to 42,5 hours per week. Four weeks holidays.
Support staff
Support to obtain the registration in Ireland.
Relocation support.

Please email your CV to:

Mentiuni: Please note that the registation process might take up to three months, and an official English language test is required to apply (IELTS / OET)

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