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Aparatură și Produse - Vânzări - Medicină - Timiș

26 anunțuri.

laser Flash x -Press pentru epilare definitiva

Suntem un centru din Bucuresti si vindem laser Flash x-Press pentru epilare definitiva, vechime 7 ani foarte putin folosit - se pot vedea nr de impulsuri- il vindem deoarece departamentul respectiv s-a desfiintat, a fost achizionat nou nout, pentru informatii 0731.871.968

Pret: 3000euro

Mentiuni: aparat epilare definitiva

laser Flash x -Press

Suntem un centru din Bucuresti si vindem laser Flash x-Press vechime 7 ani foarte putin folosit - se pot vedea nr de impulsuri- il vindem deoarece departamentul respectiv s-a desfiintat, a fost achizionat nou nout, pentru informatii 0731.871.968

Pret: 3000

Ecograf Philips Sonos 5500 2 sonde - cord si vase

Vand Ecograf Philips Sonos 5500 perfect functional, bine ingrijit, imagine f. buna, 2 sonde - cord si vascular periferic / parti moi
mod M, 2D, Doppler color, PW, CW, tisular TDI

Pret: 6000

Mentiuni: aparat utilizat, perfect functional

Vând ecograf portabil nou

Vând ecograf Chison Eco5, portabil, cu Doppler color (frecvență variabilă) dotat cu transducer liniar de 5 - 10 MHz. Ecograful este nou, nefolosit.

Pret: 27500 lei

Mentiuni: Este asigurat și are contract de service.

Autoclav Runyes

Vand autoclav de 22l Runyes second hand.
Aparatul a fost verificat de personal autorizat si este in stare buna de utilizare

Pret: 4500


1.APOLLO Aparat cu radiofrecventa tripolara pentru tratamentul laxitatii cutanate,vergeturi,celulita.
2. EXILITE Apaparat pentru tratamente IPL
3. HIDRAFACIAL Aparat pentru tratamente faciale (acnee,ten matur)

Pret: negociabil

GE 6VT-D Ultrasound Probe / Transducer Brand NEW. Made in Norway 2021-05. O

The 6VT-D, a state-of-the-art Electronic 4D Multiplane Transesophageal (TEE) Ultrasound Probe, is a revolutionary tool in cardiac imaging. Rubber control wheels provide an easy grip, even in slippery conditions.

Three user configurable on-handle push buttons allow convenient plane rotation, image store, and freeze functionality. This probe is capable of producing high- quality images of the heart and surrounding structures, allowing clinicians to diagnose a variety of cardiac conditions. In addition to its high-quality imaging capabilities, the 6 VT-D KSVEE Probe is designed for ease of use and patient comfort. The probe features a slim, ergonomic design that allows for easy insertion and maneuverability, as well as a soft tip that is gentle on the esophagus.

It is compatible with a wide array of VIVID GE systems.

This probe might not be compatible on all releases of the Ultrasound Systems listed below. Please reference the User's Manual for your system.


VIVID E80 E90 E95



VIVID S60N S70N S70 N Ultra edition

Equivalent Part :
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.

Equivalent part Part Details
5729425 6VT-D Probe for Service.

H45581BJ 6VT-D Probe
KN100100 6VT-D Probe
6 VT-D Probe Transducer, RoHS

Pret: 13800

Doppler P2D PROBE NOU, in ambalaj original, sigiliul intact. Made in Norway

The Doppler P2D Probe helps to achieve a very strong performance on an all types of exams. This kind of advanced engineered LOGIQ probes, you can rest assured that you have the technology to help provide excellent patient care. This kind of probe has the power to acquire extraordinary images with transducer technology that helps maximize penetration without sacrificing resolution. Now you have the kind of transducer tools that enable you to do the things that you have never imagined possible in ultrasound devices. The design has been made with patient and user comport in mind, to help reduce stress without compromising diagnostic performance. The innovative technology provides deep penetration and excellent resolution without the need to change probes during the exam. The probes are used in emergency and critical care point in ultrasound. It is specially designed for applications such as Cardiac and Vascular. It is also known as a pencil probe which is compatible with many ultrasound systems. This kind of probe is being used widely in various medical machines such as MR Signa Voyager 1.5T, UL LOGIQ S8, AW Advantage Workstation 4.2, UL LOGIQ E9, CT HiLight Advantage 1-Slice, UL Vivid 3 Expert, UL Probe, UL LOGIQ 5, UL Vivid S5, UL Vivid S6, UL Vivid 3 Expert, UL Vivid E9 Expert, UL LOGIQ S7 Expert UL LOGIQ E9 and UL LOGIQ P5 Premium. Publi24_1709306582

Pret: 8000

M5Sc-D PROBE, Assembled in Japan. 2021-05. New Open Box.

GE M5Sc-D XDclear Active Matrix Single Crystal Phased Array Ultrasound Probe Transducer Specifications: Manufacturer: GE Manufacturer (MPN) OEM: M5S-D SKU: EQ-GE-M5S-D Category: Probe Transducer Condition: New Type of Array: XDclear Active Matrix Single Crystal Phased Footprint: 17 mm x 28 mm Bandwidth: 1.5 - 4.6 MHz Biopsy Guide: Multi-Angle Disposable w Reusable Bracket Volume Navigation: Field of View (FOV): 120 Depth of Field (FOV): 30 cm Applications: Cardiac, Pediatric Abdomen, Fetal Heart, Transcranial, Coronary, Stress, Contrast Low MI, LVO Stress, LVO Contrast Compatibility: GE Logiq E9, GE Logiq E9 w XDClear, GE Logiq E9 w XDClear 2.0, GE Vivid E9, GE Logiq S8, GE Logiq S8 w XDClear 2.0

Pret: 24 000



Vindem EMG Liamed, ultimul soft. utilizat doar o luna, stare perfecta de utilizare, trusa completa.

Pret: 6500 euro

Echographe GE Voluson E6

Echographe GE Voluson E6

Mise en service 2013

Doppler couleur

Sonde convexe 4D

Sonde linéaire

Sonde vaginale


LCD à écran plat


Pret: 10000 €

Mentiuni: PRET 10 000€ DISCUTABIL

Vând autoclav COMINOX și sigilator

Ambele au fost folosite într-un cabinet stomatologic cu 1 unit. Funcționează la parametrii optimi.

Pret: 8500

Test rapid creatinina

In atentia cabinetelor de medicina de familie
Test rapid de creatinina cu analizor
Timp testare: 30 secunde
Volum sange: 1.2 μL
Metodologia de testare: Electrochimie
Tipuri de probă: Sânge integral - arterial, venos , capilar
Interval de măsurare a creatininei: 27 - 1056 µmol/L (0.3 – 12.0 mg/dL)

Pret: 1

Hemoglobina glicozilata HbA1c

Teste rapide cantitative pentru HbA1c pe analizor cu rezultat printat.
STANDARD F HbA1c se bazează pe o tehnologie de reflectometrie și imunotestare. STANDARD F HbA1c utilizează un anticorp anti-HbA1c(%) care este specific pentru primele câteva reziduuri de aminoacizi ale capătului N-terminal glicat al lanțului β al hemoglobinei A0.
Rezultat in 3 minute
Volum proba: 5 µl.
Range de măsurare: 4 ~ 15 % [NGSP], 20 ~ 140 mm/mol [IFCC]
Tip proba: sange integral capilar, sange integral venos

Portofoliu de teste F: RSV; Strep A.; CRP; Hs-CRP; FT4; T4; PSA; + multe altele

Pret: 15

Mentiuni: Testele se fac cu analizor. Pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa apelati numarul de telefon din contact.


Vand micromotor vdw gold reciproc in stare f. buna .aparatul nu mai are cutia originala

Pret: 5500lei

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